Eat bread to lose weight!
Have you been led to believe that you need to give up bread to lose weight?
Weight gain is caused from excess calories; it doesn’t matter if those calories come from protein, carbs, or fat.
If you are like me and LOVE bread, trying to restrict it will leave you feeling deprived.
Deprivation always leads to bingeing.
So eat the bread!
I’ve been doing this for 15 years, and have worked with thousands of people, and in all the success stories you see me post, every one of those women ate carbs at every meal, including bread!
Let’s put an end to the no carb/no bread thinking right now.
As we get into the warmer weather, don’t be afraid to eat sandwiches and lighten up on cooking.
Sandwiches are portable food, great when you are running errands or when you are at the beach. They are so full of fiber, and keep you full. They are a boost to serotonin levels – the ‘make you feel good’, happy hormones. Plus, they are good for the whole family.
Packing a sandwich when you are on the go means you are not at the mercy of whatever crap is available.
Control the meals that are not a moment.
I’m a big fan of the Club sandwich.
Here’s a quick view of what’s in mine. Look how big it is and it’s only 330 calories!
Click here to download the recipe.
To get you started, here are a few of my favorite low-calorie breads that you can use in a number of ways.
Available in your local supermarkets:
Schmitt’s 647 bread: bread 40 calories, English muffins 80, hamburgers buns 80 calories
Available online:
Carbonaut, Gluten-Free bread – White, Seeded, and Cinnamon Raisin 40-45 calories each
And our favorite bread, Royo Bread: has 30 calories each slice.
Royo has big bagels too, that are only 70 calories each. I keep those in my freezer at all times.
So eat more bread to lose weight!
Yeah, I said it.